Three Signs That Help You Spot A Toxic Person

Practical advice

Ana Miller
2 min readAug 13, 2022
How To Spot A Toxic Person
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Identifying a toxic person is quite simple if you pay attention to a few things.

Do you have such friends or acquaintances? If you do, I recommend you limit the interaction with them as much as possible.

It’s always about them

A toxic person is always talking about herself. In their opinion, only their struggle and drama matter. The others must listen and be there for them always.

They are not there for you if you have a problem, or if they are, they will not support you in any way.

They make you feel bad

Pay attention to how you feel when staying near them. If somebody makes you feel bad, you should not be BFF with that person.

Remember that you are the only one that matter. If something isn’t okay for you, you have all the right to step away.

They badmouth others

A toxic person will always tell bad things about others. The problem is that this kind of negative talking does not benefit anyone.

We waste a lot of energy badmouthing others and don’t gain anything from this. Also, if a person is gossiping about another, she or he may be gossiping about you one day, as well.



Ana Miller

Mother. Wife. Graphic Design Enthusiast. Illustrator. Writer. Art Lover And Creator!